The humble sewing machine has revolutionised the way clothing and fabric are made. If you’re looking to take up sewing as a hobby for quilts, fabrics, or dressmaking, you may be wondering how does a sewing machine work? Check out our short guide to give you the basics.
Sewing machine vs hand-stitching
If you’ve ever sewn by hand, you’re probably wondering how a sewing machine does the same thing. Simply put, it doesn’t! Whereas a running stitch means pushing a needle and thread through the material and back up through the other side., a sewing machine cannot do this. Instead, it uses two separate threads – one from above and one from below – to form loops and hooks resulting in a lock stitch. This is the most basic use of a sewing machine, and other stitch types include cover stitch, chain stitch, and loop stitch.
Parts of a sewing machine
The main part of a sewing machine is the electric motor. The electric motor drives the three main mechanisms: the feed dog which holds the fabric in place and moves it along to create a stitch, the movement of the needle up and down to create loops and hooks, and the shuttle hook below the fabric that feeds the second piece of thread. These three mechanisms work together to create a sophisticated yet easy-to-use machine.
At Franklin’s, we have a huge variety of sewing machines, whether you are quilting, dressmaking, or simply want to fix a few things around the house. Get in touch to find out more about how to use a sewing machine and which is the one for you.